Wait, Arthur M.

October 24 1858 – November 10 1920
Arthur M. Waitt, an officer of the Litchfield County Automobile Club and nationally known as a consulting engineer and railroad man, died last Wednesday at his home in Sharon, after an illness of several weeks. The furieral was held Friday, with burial in Barnstable, Mass.

Mr. Waitt was a member of the 1919 legislature, chairman of the trolley investigating committee of
the s Chamber of Commerce, and was th® author of many of Connecticut’s present automobile laws.

He was a descendant of Governor Hinkley of Plymouth colony and was born in Boston October 24, 1858. He was graduated from the Massachusétts Institute of Technology, and his first association with railroads was with the Boston and Maine. From there he went to the Pullman Company and then to the Lake Shore & Michigan Southern railroad. He subsequently became superintendent of motive power and rolling stock of the New York Central, with which he remained 25 years. During his connection with the New York Central Mr. Waitt was a member of the electric traction commission, which planned the electrification of the road. He retired from the New York Central ten years ago, and immediately thereafter was associated with Colonel William J. Wilgus in appraising the rolling stock of the Lehigh Valley railroad. He was a director in the Sprague Safety Control & 1 Corporation.

Among Mr. Waitt’s clubs were the Hartford Club, New York Railroad Club, the American Society of Mechan\ecfi Engineers, the St. Louis Railroad Club, the Engineers’ Club, the Litchfield County Automobile Club and numerous others.

During the war he organized in New York and Hartford one of the largest purchasing branches of the
ordnance department, and it was while thus engaged that his health
became impaired. He leaves his wife, Anna Schoeps Waitt, .and a son, Weymer H. Waitt. .
