Old Preston Toll Bridge in Bulletin's Calendar Picture
Old Preston Covered Toll Bridge Erected in 1817 to span the Shetucket River Between Norwich and Preston

Old Preston Toll Bridge in Bulletin's Calendar Picture

Built in 1817 Over the Shetucket River by The Norwich and Preston Bridge Co. at a Cost of $10,000--Sturdy Piers Built in That Day Still Do Duty for Present Day Structure

January 2 1939 (Date published)
23" H X 17" W
Coll. 001 Fold 005 Doc. 002 Norwich Bulletin newspaper - whole page 13.  Article notes information about the 1817-1889 toll bridge and it's replacement with a picture of the toll bridge.  It recounts the cost of building each and who paid for the rebuilding.
Coll. 001 Fold 005 Doc. 002