Abstract of Title

Abstract of Title

1887 (Earliest/Latest dates)
Paper, ink
7 11/16" W 12 9/16" L Measurement Notes: IN: w 7 11/16", L 12 9/16"
An abstract of title regarding page 90, volume 12 of the Wilton land records.  Documents passage of land from William Gregory to William James in 1874 for the price of $2665. In 1877, the mortgage on the land was sold by William James to William Harris for $1. It was then passed from Harris to Ebenezer Betts in 1879 for $2596. The land, at its initial sale in 1874, was described as fifty acres "situated in Wilton with the buildings thereon, and bounded northerly by land of Abraham Betts and land of William Sturges. Easterly by land of William Sturges and highway. Southerly by highway, land of heirs of Jonah C Keeler, and land of Augustus Winkler and land of Julian...and Westerly by highway."
Gift of Elizabeth A. Phillips