
"City Arithmatics" Math Textbook

after 1917 (Date manufactured/created)
Linen, paper, ink, board
5 3/4" W X 1/2" D X 7 1/2" L
This is a math textbook from 1917 for second grade students. Inside are the names Betty Ambler and Martha Anne Perin, the first of whom is remembered for being the last Ambler to actually reside at Ambler Farm. Betty Ambler, who lived from 1919 to 1998, would have been using this textbook in 1927 while learning at the Hurlbutt Street Schoolhouse right up the road from her property. The Hurlbutt Street Schoolhouse educated Wilton children from 1834 to 1935, when pushes for the consolidation of public schools led to the closure of Wilton’s various one-room schoolhouses and the opening of the Center School. Each student in the Hurlbutt Street Schoolhouse was taught the 3 R’s, reading, writing, and ‘rithmetic, using McGuffy’s Eclectic Reader and the math textbook shown here. Ambler’s class likely would’ve had 30 kids in total, ranging from grades one to eight.
Gift of Mary Gai