

Clarissa Stone (created by)
Mattatuck Historical Soc (owned by)
1813 (Date manufactured/created)
Silk thread
linen ground
+Young girls who went to school in the 19th century were usually given instruction in decorative accomplishments, rather than academic subjects. Samplers demonstrated a young girl’s piety, her refinement and her ability to form the letters of the alphabet, which would be useful in marking the household bedding and kitchen fabrics she would make in anticipation of her marriage. +alphabet sampler worked in single thread color (olive / brown); Divided into 7 horizontal rows by corss-stitch. first and second rows consist of alphabet in uppercase lettering with some letters repeated in differing patterns; thrid and fourth rows consist of alphabet in lowercase lettering ending with an ampersand then numbers 1-15; fifth and sixth rows consist of apphabet in uppercase cursive seventh row inscription "CLARISSA STONE Aged / 10 Years Litchfield December 9th / 1813". A simple border in zigzag pattern stitched all four sides.
Collection of the Mattatuck Museum, Gift of Robert E. Anderson in Memory of G. Leroy Maltby, 1997