Print, Photographic

Print, Photographic

Print, Photographic

May 1970 (Date manufactured/created)
01/01/???? (Earliest/Latest dates)
Measurement Notes: 3 1/2 x 5
316 Gay Street Tax Lot 21/12

From back - " Gay House " From Envelope -  " Gay House on Rte 41 " " Perez Gay " - Adam style Brick Eudere  of removed pedinent on front door - windows fired-ranked, symmetrically balanced. Panes 12 x 12. 2 chimneys on end. Barn with paneled sliding doors. Well in yard.

From back of photo:  "Gay House"  "A color print made by Kodak May 70R"

The house is a side-gabled 2 ½ story brick structure.  It's roof is of medium colored shingles.  IT has interior brick chimneys at each gable end.  

The north gable is visible and has two six over six windows in the gable.  These are flanked by black shutters.

The remaining windows are 12 over 12 flanked by black shutters.  On the second story, three are two windows in the north wall and five on the front of the house, or the western wall.  On the first floor north wall, there are two windows and four windows on the western wall.  

Both the northern and western walls have doorways.  The one on the north wall has a many-paned window in its upper portion.  The main door, on the western wall is solid black and is flanked by two vertical fixed windows 8 panes high by 2 wide.  It appears from the staining on the brick that there was once a gabled entryway over the main door.  There are three stone steps leading down from this door.

Barely visible is an ell at the back of the house.

The driveway comes in from Gay Street on the north side of the house.  It leads to a 1 ½ story garage, white with black accents.  The garage is front gabled and has sliding panels on the doorway.  

Between the house and the garage is a small well.  The wellhead is circular brick and there is a conical roof of light color. 

There are foundation plantings around the house, with two evergreens at each corner.

The house was designed and built by the same man who did 129 North Main Street and the Gay-Hoyt House at 18 Main Street