Portrait of Minnie Rogers Steele

Portrait of Minnie Rogers Steele

Minnie Rogers Steele (associated with)
Photographer Unknown (created by)
circa 1910 (Date manufactured/created)
7 15/16 inches H X 5 2/16 inches W
This photograph depicts Waterbury artist Minnie Rogers Steele. On the reverse Joel Anderson wrote a brief biography "Minnie Rogers Steele 1860-1940. Waterbury Artist; studied with William Cummings Chase, Charles Webster Hawthorne, and Charles Neville Dewey at the Art Students League in New York. In the 1920's, her interest in art took her to Japan. Some of her paintings show the influence of this trip. In later life dissatisfaction with the stereotypical painting of the times took her to Paris where she studied with Andre Lhote, a modernist, influencing her finest work.