Book - A Life with a Purpose, by S. Archie Holdridge

The autobiography of Madison resident Archie Holdridge.

Archie Holdridge was a vocational agriculture teacher and later farm editor for the Hartford Courant. He was born in Norwich, CT, in 1898 to a family of farmers and worked parallel to his schooling. In 1913, he entered the Norwich Free Academy and enrolled in the College Preparatory course. He graduated in 1917 and worked in a bank until enrolling in Storrs (UConn) in 1920, where he secured the high jump record in 1922. Once graduated, he taught vocational agriculture in Guilford-Madison.

Holdridge would go on to adventure to post-War Poland to deliver agricultural supplies in 1946. Once returned, he would spend the rest of his career promoting the Future Farmers of America, eventually leaving the classroom to become State Executive of the FFA in 1961. In 1962, he became Farm Editor for the Hartford Courant and, in 1971, president of the Newspaper Farm Editors of America (NFEA). 

1 book, ring-bound (124 pages) ; 22 x 28 cm.