• Summer Wham Bam; Seaside Kitten Kaboom; and Underbelly
Summer Wham Bam; Seaside Kitten Kaboom; and Underbelly
Summer Wham Bam; Seaside Kitten Kaboom; and Underbelly
Summer Wham Bam; Seaside Kitten Kaboom; and Underbelly

Summer Wham Bam; Seaside Kitten Kaboom; and Underbelly

2019 (Date manufactured/created)
Oil on canvas, 2019. Liz Leggett writes, “I believe that abstraction is a way to express emotions and ideas that may be difficult to articulate. It is a means to encourage and validate creativity and exploration–to put an idea out into the world and see where it may lead–using intuition, curiosity and open mindedness. It beckons an audience to see differently and bring their own vision and story to an artwork.  My painting compositions push the edges of the canvas, emanating the power to grow, to move and to expand beyond a defined space–precisely what learning in a school setting as well as self-discovery has the capacity to do. I use mark making, paint application and color to express the tensions and transitions inherent to society and individuals.”
Lent by the artist