Newspaper - "Remembering The Legacy of James Myron Hull" | The Source | J. Myron Hull Real Estate

April 11 2002
An article titled Remembering the Legacy of James Myron Hull clipped from The Source that recounts the how J. Myron Hull's real estate dealings shaped Madison into a summer destination.

J. Myron Hull was born on October 10, 1850. He initially operated his father's farm until he moved to Wall Street in 1875. In addition to raising a family of six children, Hull would establish a successful real estate business. In 1867, Mrs. Dexter of Detroit had surprised the town by building a summer cottage along the shoreline; to the rural residents of Madison, the shoreline was useful for wharves, shipyards, and fish houses. Hull saw a business opportunity.

Hull established the Hull Agency in 1887 and developed cottages along Madison's beaches, including the developments on Middle Beach Road and Grove Avenue. This attracted residents from Connecticut cities. By 1904, there were 300 summer properties.

Additionally, Hull is credited for bringing many of the first German families to Madison from the New York piers through farm sales.

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