Civil War Veterans Flag

Civil War Flag
Civil War Veterans Flag

cotton blend, stars made of muslin
Civil War Veterans flag: 20 foot flag presented in 1880 to Henry Marsh, a Civil War veteran, by the Connecticut State Civil War Veterans Organization. Mr. Marsh had fought in the Battle of Vicksburg. Mr. Marsh and Buton Waugh, son of a Civil War veteran used to lead the school children around the cemeteries on Memorial Day to decorate the soldiers graves. After Marsh's death the flag was cared for by Burton Waugh, son of a Civil War veteran. After his death, Mrs. Burton Waugh gave the flag to the Town of Killingworth. It was kept by First Selectman Raymond Griswold until the Griswold family donated the flag to the Historical Society.
Gift of the Griswold Family, given to them by Mrs. Burton Waugh