Disc, Compact

Where Past and Future Meet: 2000 Day Hill Road, Windsor, Connecticut

2013 (Date manufactured/created)
February 18 2013 (Date manufactured/created)
CD-ROM containing an 11 minute video titled "Where Past and Future Meet: 2000 Day Hill Road, Windsor, Connecticut." The presentation was created by ABB to provide a brief overview of the use of the Day Hill Road property by Combustion Engineering beginning in 1955 and the demolition and remediation activities on the site which concluded in 2012. The video contains both still and moving images with an audio voiceover narration. The script briefly touches on the history of Combustion Engineering, its role in the development of a variety of uses of nuclear power following WWII, the construction of the Windsor campus to a peak of 30 buildings and 3,000 employees, the acquisition of CE by ABB in 1990, the changing nature of the nuclear power industry leading to ABB's decision to close the site, the process of determining the extent of contamination on site and who would take responsibility for the necessary cleanup, the decontamination, dismantling, and demolition processes, removal of contaminated soils, and restoration of the landscape. The bulk of this work took place between 1998 and 2011. The streambed corridor was remediated 2011-12. The stream flow was diverted in sections, contaminated soil removed, stream bed and banks recreated with new topsoil, and relandscaped with native plants. The property is ready for the mixed use redevelopment plan developed by Winstanley in cooperation with the Town of Windsor.

The CD-ROM contains digital file of the video in both Mac and Windows formats and a ReadMe file. The Windows Media Audio/video file of 59.5 MB was downloaded to the WHS server at M:\Objects10.27_Combustion Engineering\ABB_Where_Past_and_Present_Meet.