Daniel Scott's 100th Birthday Celebration

Disc, Compact

2010 (Date manufactured/created)
June 25 1984 (Date manufactured/created)
CD containing the wav file format version of cassette tape (WHS #42) (2010.19.1) containing Daniel Scott's 100th Birthday oral history interview. The recording was made on June 25, 1984 at the party by Scott's niece Delia Sales Jubrey and an unidentified reporter from the Hartford Courant. Run time 32 minutes.

Scott talks about managing the farm of Col. Ellsworth Phelps on "The Island" in Windsor which produced a variety of crops, livestock, and tobacco; subsequently working with his horse teams and equipment for other tobacco growing businesses in Windsor including the P. Lorillard Tobacco Company; sulky racing on the Farmington River in the winter; amateur boxing; his two wives; and finally offers sage advice for a long life.

Transcript provided by the donor and revised/edited by WHS staff. This is available in the library. Daniel Scott was born June 23, 1884 and died June 16, 1986.

The cassette tape was digitally reformatted by John Berky in 2010 with archival wav files (2020.12.1) and digital audio files (2010.12.2) provided on CD.