• 114 Kennedy Road and new owners
114 Kennedy Road and new owners
114 Kennedy Road and new owners
114 Kennedy Road and new owners

114 Kennedy Road and new owners

Digital Scan

1908 (Date manufactured/created)
Electronic scan of a photographic print of Ephriam and Hattie Bond Harris at their new home at 114 Kennedy Road, Windsor, CT. They previously lived in a brick house on Palisado Ave 2 or 3 houses north of the Palisado. From the left to right is Hattie Harris, Ephriam Harris, Ruby Harris Jessen Kennedy, Arthur Harris, and Jessie Harris Goslee. They are standing in front of the house while Jessie Harris Goslee sits in a chair. There is a bench under the tree in the yard.

Electronically scanned to server M:\Photographs08.43_jessen as uncompressed .tiff file 2008.43.5_jessen (600dpi, at least 16 bit color)

One compressed use copy stored at G:\Collections\Photographs08.43_jessen as .jpeg file 2008.43.5_jessen