• Loomis Homestead Wall Cupboard and China circa 1910
Loomis Homestead Wall Cupboard and China circa 1910
Loomis Homestead Wall Cupboard and China circa 1910

Loomis Homestead Wall Cupboard and China circa 1910

Print, Photographic

1910 (Date manufactured/created)
Measurement Notes: mounted on board 11" x 11"
Measurement Notes: 7.5" x 9.5"
Black and white photograph mounted on board. An interior view of the Loomis Homestead ell featuring the built in wall cupboard and china on display within. Notation on the back of the print reads "Loomis Homestead. Wall cupboard facing into first floor room in south ell (position 1). This cupboard was moved in 1947 from position 1 to position 2. Identified by T. E. Finley, Jr." A small sketch diagram is included on the label.

This set of photographs were reproduced by Wayne Dombkowski in 2010. The historic prints are stored in the Darkroom and the reproductions are stord in the photo files in the library in the Houses -- Batchelder Rd./Loomis Campus folder.